Pub of the Year 2022
Leanne Dillon, landlady at the Beer EnGin in Whiston, was presented with her award at our branch meeting back in May. It was a really busy night with a huge turnout to support her, it really was standing room only!
She was presented with her award by our Chair, Gillian Yates, who said: “It’s a pleasure to give this award to Leanne. She has done an amazing job at the Beer EnGin and the accolade of Pub of the Year is really well deserved. There’s always a warm welcome, friendly atmosphere and great better beer on offer in the pub, so really well done.”
The pub had all 6 pumps available – with three of them being LocAle offerings – as well as a selection of key keg beers and lagers. The place was packed with regulars wanting to congratulate Leanne on a well-deserved award – the very people that she says are the reason she is still in business and that the award is as much for the people who drink in the Beer EnGin as it is for her.
Local MP Marie Rimmer couldn’t make it to the awards presentation, but she has put her support behind Leanne and the work she has done to make the Beer EnGin a success. She said: “Leanne has done an amazing job turning the Beer EnGin into an award-winning pub. It provides a fantastic local hub for the whole local community to enjoy. The pub brings people together in a way that we have all needed after the last couple of years of social distancing. In particular, the pub has done a fantastic job of working with local breweries that helps to support our local economy through these challenging times. Our community is home to so many great pubs that provide an invaluable service to local residents.”